Healthcare specialists say that early detection provides the best protection against cancer. Breast Cancer is among the leading cancers, and it is often detected in the last stages.
Breast Cancer screening is the process of identifying asymptotic cancer in women. It is ideal for detecting cancer at the earliest stage before cancer has a chance to spread so that women affected by this can get better outcomes with less invasive treatments. The doctors are also responsible for helping women understand the importance of breast cancer screening and make decisions after having all the information. Mammograms, Clinical Breast Exams and other breast cancer screening methods have helped the patients in becoming aware of their condition at the early stages. It has also helped the doctors in monitoring the cancerous cells and treating them before they can progress.
Women, especially above the age group of 50 are often recommended to go for a routine 3D Mammography. Radiology Center at Harding, located in Morristown, New Jersey conducts breast cancer screening with the help of mammograms.
How is mammogram useful?
According to the various studies conducted, it has been stated that a 3D Mammogram has higher accuracy and increased chances of detecting invasive breast cancers. The X-ray obtained in a 3D Mammogram gives a clearer, more defined and enhanced image.
Benefits of a 3D Mammogram
• A 3D scan is better than the previously done 2D Mammograms since this new method takes into consideration a series of X-rays from various angles and hence this helps in building up a virtual model of the breast. Radiologists have the opportunity to check the tissues as, and how they want, and all of this is because of the cross-sectional images taken during the X-ray.
• 3D Mammograms are known for their detailed image and with better clarity. Due to the enhanced image quality, the chances of getting false positives are decreased to as much as 40%. The patients can now get a more accurate result.
• The breast cancer screening with the help of a 3D Mammogram increases the chances of detecting cancer by almost 10 to 30%. This is beneficial for women whose breasts are thicker compared to the rest. Since the 3D Mammogram method takes X Rays from more angles, the picture produced of the breast is sharper. 3D Mammograms can detect invasive breast cancers by as much as 41% more than what the 2D Mammograms could detect.
Who are advised to take the test?
The breast cancer screening with 3D Mammography is often recommended for women between the age of 50 to 74.
In many places, it is also advised for the women aged 40 to start with a routine breast cancer screening process. But the age between 40-50 has less risk-benefit balance determination. It is better to be aware of what is going on in your body with proper screening so that immediate measures can be taken to cure the disease.