An open MRI or Magnetic Resource Imaging is a way to see what is going on with your organs inside your body. It uses very strong magnetic force fields to produce images. Sometimes people are injected with dyes to get a clearer contrast on the results. An open MRI does not mean that the doctor is going to cut you open with a scalpel to see what is going on and then perform a regular MRI. The Open MRI was essentially created for a specific type of people. Some people are afraid of closed spaces. Things like elevators, small rooms and so on. A conventional MRI is essentially like a coffin. It has a bed, where you lie down, that drags you inside the cylindrical machine. You are covered on all sides and only your feet are outside or in the boundary of the machine. Now you can understand why some people might find that very scary. Not only adults, babies or small children who need to get MRIs will obviously be very frightened by the huge metal-like structure that is confining them. To get an effective reading on an MRI, you must lie very still inside the machine. Small kids cannot do this because they are already terrified. They are not able to see their parents from the machine to give them comfort. It is in these cases that the newly developed open MRI plays a huge role.
The Open MRI as the name suggests is quite literally ‘open’. It is covered only on one side, leaving the rest open. People who have claustrophobia (the fear of confined spaces) can now breathe easy. Kids can see their parents and can now stay still while they are getting their MRIs done.
The benefits of Open MRI with Harding Radiology
- Experienced staff: Considering the open MRI is relatively new technology, the radiologist that operates it must know how to make their patient lay still to get a proper contrast. The staff at Harding radiology are extensively trained to operate the new Open MRI.
- Great environment: While getting an MRI might sound like a very stressful event, in reality, the radiologists and nurses at Harding radiology make it a kind of fun experience. They have handles kids that and adults alike and no matter what the tantrum the kids throw, they can handle it.
- New Technology: Another benefit of having an Open MRI at Harding Radiology is that very few diagnostic centers and even hospitals have this new technology with them. The guys at Harding Radiology are always aiming at better results and always invest in new technology.
- Economical: Just because Harding Radiology is having an open MRI, they do not charge exorbitantly for scans. Most insurance companies cover this cost and it will definitely not burn the bank.
- Transportation: Harding Radiology provides free transportation to their patients who are availing their advanced Open MRI scans. This is another way in which Harding takes care of their valuable customers.
Please Call us Today to schedule your Open MRI appointment at 908-221-0603 or go online at HardingRadiology.com and click on appointment button.